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pIqaD on Facebook

This morning I discovered that Facebook now allows use to send and receive posts and messages in Klingon pIqaD ( ).

The pIqaD installer on Hol ‘ampaS ( has everything needed to enter and see characters, however, there are some issues in Chrome displaying pIqaD characters correctly.

In order to get it working properly, I had to install Styler ( and then use it to add the following CSS on Facebook pages:

._5p3y[dir="ltr"], ._5p3y[dir="ltr"] button, ._5p3y[dir="ltr"] input, ._5p3y[dir="ltr"] label, ._5p3y[dir="ltr"] select, ._5p3y[dir="ltr"] td, ._5p3y[dir="ltr"] textarea, ._5p3y[dir="ltr"] .uiMentionsInput .highlighter, ._5p3y[dir="ltr"] .uiButtonText, ._5p3y[dir="ltr"] .uiButton input, ._5p3y[dir="ltr"] .uiLinkButton input, ._5p3y[dir="ltr"] button.as_link, ._5p3y[dir="ltr"] .fbChatSidebar, ._5p3y[dir="ltr"] .fbDock, ._5p3y[dir="ltr"] .fbFeedTicker .fbFeedTickerStory .tickerFeedMessage, ._5p3y[dir="ltr"] .fbFeedTicker .fbFeedTickerStory div.tickerFeedMessage h5, ._5p3y[dir="ltr"] .fbFeedTicker .fbFeedTickerStory div.tickerFeedMessage h6, ._5p3y[dir="ltr"] .uiTooltipX .tooltipContent, ._5p3y[dir="ltr"] a[role="button"], ._5p3y[dir="rtl"] *[dir="ltr"] {
font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif, pIqaD;

body ._1osb {
font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif, pIqaD;

._36bx ._1mwp {
font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif, pIqaD !important;

This will allow pIqaD to be seen in both posts and comments boxes.

Let me know if anything isn’t working properly!